I quite like what you have here, but I feel it could still be improved. The melody and drop compositions themselves are quite good. I must complain about your synths though. A lot of them feel too "wet". I'm not sure if it's because they all feel bandpassed, or if there's too many flang/phase effects on them, OR if it's because there's nothing really abrasive to contrast with. (Did you run everything through a highpass? was your mastering HP/EQ set too low?)
Your drums need some work. The snare feels like FL's default snare, (but I could be wrong.) and doesn't seem to be overly punchy. Consider both sidechaining and compressing the drums to make them pop.
Composition wise, I think you should have included a section without a background pad. I think taking that away for a short while could help emphasize the beat a little more (in the drop specifically).
Overall, pretty well done, but could be improved further. Keep making music man!