This is an interesting piece. I like the fast paced intro pattern/after the transition part of it. I also, like the melody in the final section. The synths feel fairly simple, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. (As someone who isn't so good at "synthing", simple instruments get me by.)
The fade out in the into, and the chords you used (in both chord sections) feel weird. The track starts, goes for a few, then fades out. The fade doesn't work so well as a transition to the chord section i think. Also, the chords themselves don't seem quite right. They might all be in key, but I'm not sure they go well together. I found this especially so in the later section that uses the chord stabs. (1:52 ish)
Overall, this certainly isn't bad, but I think it could be better. Keep practicing/making music and I'm sure you'll make a 5/5 banger that tickles my fancy.